Report From the Pasadena Civic Center Task Force

Pasadena Civic Center

The City Council established the Civic Center Task Force on July 17, 2017 to provide recommendations to the City Council regarding new construction/development and land-use standards of the YWCA and YMCA blocks consistent with the Central District Specific Plan; possible programming of public rights-of-way within Centennial Plaza, Holly Street and Garfield Avenue; and potential landscape/hardscape improvements.  The City Council requested that the Task Force provide its recommendations to the City Council within six months of its initial meeting.

The Task Force met a total of 8 times and completed its recommendation on May 3, 2018. Click the following .pdf to download the final recommendation of the Task Force,which will be presented to the City Council at its June 18, 2018 meeting.

Link: Recommendations of the Civic Center Task Force.5.3.18

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