Want to preserve the centerpiece of historic Pasadena?


We urgently need all our supporters to tell Pasadena City Council what we want for our Civic Center!


It’s important that the Pasadena Civic Center—City Hall and the garden-like settings— is at the heart of our city and has the highest priority when looking at plans to create new development on the Civic gardens. This is not about one building. It’s about protecting the entire Pasadena Civic Center National Register Historic District.

  • Honor the values and efforts of the Pasadena citizens who had the vision to vote for a 1923 bond measure which was founded on the City Beautiful movement and made the substantial financial investment to carry out that vision.

  • Continue the hundred-year-old legacy Pasadena citizens entrusted to us by creating a vision for the next 200 years. Develop a substantive public process to achieve that visioning study goal and ultimately enable a larger public process to develop a project to be more compatible with the Civic Center’s architectural and cultural traditions

  • Identify historic and cultural landscape issues throughout the Pasadena Civic Center National Register Historic District. Develop a Cultural Landscape Report to help identify important district features so that further degradation of its trees, gardens, and lighting and other amenities doesn’t occur.

  • Rehabilitate the important Julia Morgan-designed YWCA building


Call and/or Email the City Council:

Telephone (Main Number):  (626) 744-4111


Mayor: [email protected]
District 1: [email protected]
District 2: [email protected]
District 3: [email protected]
District 4: [email protected]
District 5: [email protected]
District 6: [email protected]
District 7: [email protected]
City Clerk: [email protected]

Share your thoughts:

  • Our First Priority is the Civic Center. We will not settle for a project that sells off the Civic Gardens or destroys the garden-like setting of City Hall
  • We believe that the YWCA is an important historic resource. While important, it is one of many important historic resources of the Civic Center as a whole – City Hall and the Civic Gardens along Holly and Garfield that create the garden-like setting; the Pasadena Robinson Memorial prominence and contemplative setting, and the YWCA. We should not sacrifice the integrity of the Civic Center to rehabilitate the YWCA.
  • The Civic Gardens surrounding City Hall, garden setting that the Civic Gardens provide, the contemplative setting and prominence of the Pasadena Robinson Memorial, and the views to City Hall are essential to the historic integrity of the Civic Center.
  • Let's preserve all – Civic Gardens, Pasadena Robinson Memorial prominence. unobstructed views to City Hall, and the YWCA!
Send an email to City Council members and/or attend on Monday night council meetings.
City Council agendas can be found at:



Who's signing

Maritza huezo
felix breden
Jamie Scott
jill polsby
Donna Mcgugan
Petrea Sandel
Alex Schmidt
Susan Slick
Christy Bradley
Mishka Michon
Martin Weiss
Beverly Weiss
Jaclyn Larson
Warren Lobdell
Stephanie Strout
Shelya Jones
Stacey Strickler
Laurie Barlow
Marian Dorsett-Leos
Mandy Elion-Holt
Lillian Medina
Marion White
Don Hahn
Christine Celata
Susie Berzsenyi
Ellen Lascola
John Byram
Karin Rice
Denise Mourges
79 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 66 reactions

  • Maritza huezo
    signed 2020-02-10 08:55:07 -0800
  • felix breden
    signed 2020-02-09 13:35:30 -0800
  • Jamie Scott
    signed 2020-02-09 13:17:51 -0800
  • jill polsby
    signed 2020-02-09 12:18:02 -0800
    So opposed to losing the grand allee that leads to the city hall. Why would you want to destroy this gorgeous vista with an office building of 5 stories, or an hotel? Or homeless housing. Rehab the building and leave everything as is and use the building for additional city hall office space!!
  • Donna Mcgugan
    signed 2020-02-08 13:14:38 -0800
  • Petrea Sandel
    signed 2020-02-07 19:09:31 -0800
    Petrea Sandel
  • Alex Schmidt
    signed 2020-02-07 18:50:45 -0800
  • Susan Slick
    signed 2020-02-07 17:14:44 -0800
  • Christy Bradley
    signed 2020-02-07 15:16:07 -0800
  • Mishka Michon
    signed 2020-02-07 13:34:41 -0800
    Mishka Michon
  • Martin Weiss
    signed 2017-05-21 16:12:24 -0700
    BUT I live in Trio Apts and strongly disagree with your characterization. It neither looks like nor is a ‘prison ’. And it’s a helluva lot better than the garage it once was.
  • Beverly Weiss
    signed 2017-05-21 14:32:55 -0700
  • Jaclyn Larson
    signed 2017-04-15 10:13:49 -0700
  • Warren Lobdell
    signed 2017-03-23 07:45:57 -0700
    I was born in Pasadena in 1938 and lived that wonderful city through high school. My father worked for many years for the City of Pasadena in the City Tax office. I strongly oppose the plans for the private hotel adjacent to the City Hall.

    Warren Lobdell
  • Stephanie Strout
    signed 2017-02-28 10:23:18 -0800
    Let’s not let this happen to our Civic Center. Once done, it will never come back.
  • Shelya Jones
    signed 2017-02-25 08:20:49 -0800
  • Stacey Strickler
    signed 2017-02-22 13:21:12 -0800
    It is flat out wrong for the city to give away land that is paid for by taxpayers. If they give away this parkland, are they going to reduce property taxes which pay for this park? This mayor has already declared that the city gets most of its revenue from property taxes and I know how desperate the city is to start taxing this hotel, but giving away public land is wrong no matter how you look at it.
  • Laurie Barlow
    signed 2017-02-13 08:47:50 -0800
    Alternative 2E is a viable project that can make the YWCA adaptation work. Don’t cave in to developer profit, there are plenty of other projects that can handle some added square footage and provide revenue to the city.
  • Marian Dorsett-Leos
    signed 2017-01-22 14:36:06 -0800
  • Mandy Elion
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-12-02 09:49:51 -0800
    Sign the petition: Sign the petition
  • Mandy Elion-Holt
    signed 2016-12-02 09:49:15 -0800
  • Lillian Medina
    signed via 2016-11-15 15:56:04 -0800
  • Marion White
    signed 2016-11-15 12:50:08 -0800
  • Don Hahn
    signed 2016-09-11 22:13:26 -0700
  • Christine Celata
    signed via 2016-09-01 13:14:35 -0700
  • Susie Berzsenyi
    signed 2016-08-26 19:14:31 -0700
    Susanna Berzsenyi

    Why another hotel? Why not affordable housing?
  • Ellen Lascola
    signed 2016-08-25 23:33:31 -0700
  • John Byram
    signed 2016-08-25 10:01:16 -0700
    6 years of input on the General Plan Update … and the first chance the Council gets to show that Pasadena treasures, protects, restores, and expands its natural and urban open space, they trade our public Sister-City Gardens so an oversized hotel can have a second courtyard.
  • Karin Rice
    signed 2016-08-24 20:50:02 -0700
  • Denise Mourges
    signed 2016-08-18 19:18:36 -0700