1st meeting of the Civic Center Task Force

Please plan to attend the first meeting of the Civic Center Task Force:

Thursday, October 26th at 6pm
City Hall Basement Training Room S018
100 N. Garfield Avenue, Pasadena CA

The Civic Center Coalition is pleased that the City re-constituted the Civic Center Task Force and we hope all will attend the meetings.  

This is our opportunity to let our voices be heard about what we want for this important civic space, the historic Julia Morgan designed YWCA building,  and the National Register Historic District.   

While the CCC looks forward to active and productive participation with the Task Force, because the city has not revoked the entitlements approved on August 15, 2016 or de-certified the Final Environmental Impact Report, the Coalition’s lawsuit continues.  

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  • Pasadena Civic Center Coalition posted about CCTF1 on Pasadena Civic Center Coalition's Facebook page 2017-10-24 09:34:09 -0700
    1st meeting of the Civic Center Task Force: Thurs, Oct 26th at 6pm. This is our opportunity to let our voices be heard about our civic space, the historic YWCA building, and the National Register Historic District. While we look forward to active and productive participation with the Task Force, because the city has not revoked the entitlements or de-certified the Final EIR, the Coalition’s lawsuit continues.
  • Pasadena Civic Center Coalition
    is hosting. 2017-10-24 09:27:04 -0700