Council to take 2nd Vote on Public Subsidy for Kimpton hotel


Please attend the City Council meeting on: May 22nd, 2017

May 22nd is a Monday night from approximately 7pm to 11pm.

The staff report for Monday's City Council meeting to decide the fate of the Civic Center and the YWCA/KHP Hotel has been posted. The project was subsidized from the beginning in the sense that portions of the parkland/green space that was purchased by the voters in 1923 are being turned over to the hotel developers at no cost to them for their exclusive use.


This "Subsidy" is in addition to that, and is being discussed because the KHP hotel developer now asserts that project costs have increased to the point of unprofitability, and in order to continue, this additional subsidy is needed. Essentially, staff is suggesting the Council either


1.) Approve the additional Subsidy (50 years of free rent of the land, and 99 years of 136 free parking spaces) so that that massive hotel can be built as-is.


2.) Increase the additional subsidy (free land, free parking, + 20 years of no bed taxes) in order to build a smaller hotel project.


3.) Reject the subsidy and find a new solution. Assume that KHP 'walks away', start over to solicit new "bids."


There is also consideration of the City keeping and rehabbing the YWCA for use as city offices. Currently, the city rents commercial office space for several departments, and so could potentially save those rental payments by moving into the YWCA. But the staff report adds the construction of a new parking garage and a new separate office building. The analysis of the rehab+ additional structures suggests that is unaffordable (However, no analysis is done to explore just rehabbing the YWCA without building the additional office building and garage).

Speak up!


CLICK HERE to send an EMAIL to City Council--please personalize! 



You may read the Staff Report at:

and read the Economic Subsidy Report at:


CLICK HERE to send an EMAIL to City Council--please personalize! 

For Monday night's meeting, we will post last-minute updates to our public Facebook page.  City Council meetings often run very late into the night and the YWCA/KHP Hotel item may not be considered until 8, 9, 10, or 11pm.  No need to sit through the entire meeting for hours, just check our Facebook page and we'll post notices so that you can come in time to speak on the correct item.


Meanwhile, our Coalition's lawsuit continues, "pause" or not, because the project's approvals are still in effect and have not been rescinded.


Please plan to attend the City Council meeting tomorrow night, May 22nd, and speak out to support preserving our Civic Center, including its garden setting.


CLICK HERE to send an EMAIL to City Council--please personalize! 


Additional Ways to Help: 

Send a copy of your letter to the Press:


Donate.  Please consider joining many concerned citizens by making a contribution to help pay for the Civic Center Coalition legal costs.

Payments go directly to our attorney, Chatten-Brown & Carstens, and are solely used to fund the lawsuit. Please mail your checks (with “Pasadena Civic Center” in the note section) to:  Chatten-Brown & Carstens  LLP, 2200 Pacific Coast Highway Suite 318, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

Or, donate online at:


Need to "study up"?

You can read a summary of what occurred the last time that Council voted, when they "paused" the project at:

More comprehensive info about the project as a whole is at:

and a copy of the legal petition is at:


CLICK HERE to send an EMAIL to City Council--please personalize! 

Thank You!

Again, THANK YOU for your ongoing support, and we'll hope to see you on May 22nd, on our Facebook page, and in the pages of Pasadena newspapers!



Jonathan Edewards

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Jonathan Edewards

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  • Bob Snodgrass
    followed this page 2017-05-22 19:52:16 -0700
  • Jonathan Edewards
    rsvped 2017-05-19 18:40:54 -0700
  • Pasadena Civic Center Coalition posted about 2ndSubsidyVote on Pasadena Civic Center Coalition's Facebook page 2017-05-17 23:15:37 -0700
    May 22nd, City Council will vote again on a Public Subsidy for the Kimpton hotel--speak up to Save our Civic Center! Pasadena's City Council is scheduled to again consider granting an additional public subsidy to KHP III Pasadena, LLC, the private developer that is proposing to build a massive "Kimpton" hotel on the public parkland that serves as the setting for City Hall and the Robinson Memorial.